I love the New Year and its promise of new beginnings, like a fresh blank canvas ready to paint with endless possibilities and surprises. It´s a time for planning, setting intentions,

With no clear destination in sight, it´s the joy and wonder of the process that delight me. In the first week of January, I connect anew with my passion for painting, for interpreting this beautiful, magical world and creating artworks to be sent out like children to create joy and healing.
As an artist, painting must be strictly play time for me I don´t see it as a job, nor do I want to be restricted to a certain style or driven by popular demand. Painting is an expression of who I am. I am inspired purely by the joy of the subject which catches my heart´s attention. I have been captivated by clouds and the ever-changing sky since I was a little girl. I used to lie on the grass for hours in our garden in Holland, gazing up in wonder at the way light would suddenly appear from behind a cloud, and how the clouds would disperse and reform in different shapes and colours, a castle, an angel, a map of Europe - an abstract form for me to interpret.

During these crisp New Year days, I am moving into an abstract style, proficient enough now to play with different styles and techniques to achieve the effect I´m aiming for. Or rather, the effect I don´t know I am aiming for! With no image in mind, I begin with my palette of warm yellows and reds and begin by choosing a light colour for the edges of the canvas, excited by the process as it unfolds.
Taking a step back, I know exactly what to do next and I am inspired to split the painting into different dimensions. Big circles appear and then parts of them are removed. No journey is ever completely over. I feel satisfied with my new painting. I am happy with it because when I look at it, I see exactly what I didn´t know I wanted to paint. The phases of my life leap out at me from the canvas.
I ask for opinions. It´s hard to do that but it´s the first step towards sending this part of me out into the world.
What do you think of it? What do you see? Is it upside down? Do tell me.
One person sees a Viking ship sailing out to sea. Another sees a compass, a guiding star. And so my new painting for the New Year is born and given its name.

The Journey
Wishing you the happiest New Year, the healthiest, most creative and colourful 2021.
Marja Brown