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Happy or Sad?

Are you having an 'Emotional Grey Day' today or is it full of promise adventure and new beginnings.

At this time when emotions run so high they are often challenged by the life we are living today. A life dominated with the coronavirus so much in the forefront of our minds, I can wake up one day with my glass half full and then the next there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. When that happens I truly feel powerless and have to search hard to find my equilibrium.

A dear friend Helen would tell me; Marja what I do is this; I sit on my settee, put my hands in my lap, look out of the window and say to myself

" Well and what are you going to do about this".

I can remember and see her so clearly doing this. It pulls me out of my negative thoughts and propels me from powerlessness me into action.

Way back I was told that the only power I have is my attitude towards life and the events presented in it.

So I look around me and feel grateful that I can release some of the power of these emotions through my art. 'Wild Sky over a Textured Seascape', is one of these paintings and my unconscious mind already gave me the hope through that white light on the horizon which I only noticed after I stopped painting.

I am incredibly grateful for the gift to be able to share not only Sadness but also the Joys of life through my art.

And what about Joy... well here is a little painting triggered by a lovely memory.

I frequently paint it. Yellows and purples are my favourite colours and nothing brings me more joy then the hope of spring triggered by seeing the daffodils back in bloom, or whenI look out of the window and the farmer has sown rapeseeds in the field on the hill opposite my house. Nature is where I find inspiration and peace.

I hope you will find some comfort in it too because I believe it is our greatest teacher.

I wish you a week filled with serenity and joy and look forward to connecting with you next Friday. I love to hear your stories and feed back. Do not hesitate to share with me through my website.

Be well and safe.

Marja Brown Landscape Artist

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